Spaice lets you buy, to start, the computer and office supplies brands you know, at fair prices, and delivered to you – but we do everything else differently.

We believe that a better life shouldn’t mean sacrificing the things we love – our planet and its life.

So Spaice works for you.

Giving you the truth.  Quickly showing you the problems and offering you easy solutions – letting you make informed decisions on what you buy and the kind of world you want.

We don’t decide for you or judge you; we show you the values of manufacturers and then it’s your choice – for your own values and conscience to decide which brands deserve your money and loyalty.

Here, you have the power to choose a better future for you and all that you love.


Businesses driven only by profit like secrets.  They hide the real costs - the harmful consequences for you, your planet, and your family that might stop you giving them your hard-earned money.

Spaice is a not-for-profit social enterprise putting the needs of society and Nature first – we don’t compromise what is morally right to pursue growth, profit, or power.

We don’t want you to make impulse purchases, things you don’t need. So, you won’t find any adverts on our site – there's no such thing as a ‘must have’ product.

We’re working to tackle the root causes, not symptoms. Addressing the real problems, before they happen, not greenwashing or ignoring them.

A healthy, safe, and fair world demands we live in peace with each other and our planet. Where business is a useful and beneficial service to the society and the communities it depends on.

Spaice is taking a leap towards a better world - one where success is measured, not by what we take from, but what we give to society.

A business that serves society.

There is nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come.

Victor Hugo



We show you more useful things to do with your time and money so you don’t waste your money on things you don’t really need.


We show you more effective and efficient products so you don’t have to keep buying replacements.


We show you better, less wasteful and damaging, alternatives so so you don’t have to throw so much away.


We help you refurbish, repair, or donate your old products so you don’t get stuck with them.


We help recover the materials so you don’t have to waste them in landfill or incinerators.




2006, at my Father’s apartment in India, is when and where my view of the world and my place in it changed forever.

Photograph of Spaice founder, VipulI’d just watched a heart-wrenching piece on BBC World News about the Maldives disappearing with a rising ocean. And, almost immediately after the same channel being quite dismissive of global warming and the risks. The scene set I was easy prey for a gripping book, fictional suspense and intrigue that told of a cunning and daring story of terrorists that had exaggerated global warming to blow stuff up and make off with a fortune.

A couple of days later, on a call to a friend, I uttered the fateful words “I’m not so sure about global warming”, to which my friend spat the words "don’t be such a bloody idiot Vip, even David Attenborough has said publicly that it’s real and manmade”.

Mortified and embarrassed at my ignorance, I enrolled in an Open University Environment course. (And, of course, I’ve never ventured near another of climate denier Michael Crichton’s books)

What I learned within a week of the course horrified me. That the state of our world was far worse than ‘just’ global warming and the enormity of the consequences felt almost impossible to comprehend. And the lifestyle and ‘success’ I dreamt of was exactly what was wrong with our world and society. 
First there was the shock at how few people were aware of the environmental and societal problems, let alone scale and gravity of them. And then it was obvious that, even when they do understand the problem, it was almost impossible to know what or how to do anything about it. 
But I also realized that while the consequences are wickedly complex, the cause is, as is often the case, quite simple to trace, if difficult to address. And, so, I turned my attention to this, ultimate, challenge: how do we show people the real world in a way that motivates them to make different choices, ones that fly in the face of the last half century of consumerism we’d all been conditioned with.

How do we create a space between the advertising, the stimulus, and the impulse to buy stuff we don’t need, our response? A pause long enough to give us a chance to, genuinely, make our own choice.

And how do we do this on a global scale?

And Spaice was born. The retail site you’re on now is the first part of my solution. Part of a group of social enterprises that will make our lives richer and better by letting everyone of us choose. No marketing manipulation or suggestions that make us crave stuff that we pay for by working even harder to make someone else even richer.

“Does this manufacturer respect the things that are important to me?” That’s the question this site asks of you. No one will tell you what to do or think, it’s a choice entirely in our power, between us and our own conscience with no judgement from anyone else.

Giving us the power back. Unprecedented transparency of the ‘stuff’ we buy, showing its true costs, so we can make informed decisions on who gets and deserves our hard-earned money.

Between stimulus and response there is a space.
In that space is our power to choose our response.
 In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

Rollo May (paraphrasing Viktor E. Frankl


This is that space between stimulus and response where each of us can say “I” have the power to choose.
