Modern marketing is about solving problems we don’t have.  And the truth is that retailers and manufacturers have to stop selling us things we don’t need or won’t last; but almost no business is prepared to face this.  Fortunately the solution is actually quite simple and good for business, us, and our planet. In the first two posts of this blog I’ve given a stark account of the world we’ve created – but Spaice wasn’t conceived to belabour the same old warnings that we’ve ignored for decades.  It exists to offer solutions, a different, better, way; so that we and our planet have a future, albeit one very different to the world we know.
If You Don't Need It... Don't Buy It Poster with White Elephant

Second World War Poster by Alex McLaren

Reject – Don’t Buy What You Don’t Really Need
There are three simple things all of us can do immediately, in fact our parents used to do it without a second thought:
  • Don’t buy things on impulse or because you think it makes you ‘cool’;
  • Make the most of what you already have – our technology should easily last over 6 years (I’ve used my computer almost every day for over 7 years and it still works perfectly and easily runs the latest software and games).
  • When you do buy, buy quality; this means things built to last, easy to maintain and repair, and upgradeable.  If a manufacturer won’t let you replace things like batteries yourself (and cheaply) or won’t give you a long guarantee then find one that’s not so greedy.
So, if it’s so easy, why are we so seduced by the marketers demand to buy our way through life? I’ve always loved science and the marvellous machines such as the flash cars to covet, aeroplanes to whisk me away to exotic lands, and a gadget for every chore to save me seconds of effort. But our notion of science is one that looks at every small part in isolation, whereas, in the real world, everything is connected and the whole really is greater than the sum of the parts.  In particular, our scientists, engineers, and economists detach themselves from the whole system so they have only a partial understanding or description of our complex world so their solutions cause more problems than they solve. Sadly, we now ignore the scientists, engineers, and economists who are looking at the ‘whole system’ because their urgent messages, that we got it wrong, interferes with our businesses’ thirst for profit and power and our own individual expectations of having whatever we want, whenever we want. Our society has followed this lead and become detached from the world, as if we are apart - mere observers rather than participants able to affect it.  We look without seeing, listen without hearing, experience without feeling.  We all need to reconnect to the creative in us, that part that really sees, hears, and feels – for me it’s photography forcing me to stop and really look, noticing the shape of trees, the pattern of branches, the colour of leaves, the texture of bark, the insects hurrying.  In these moments I am happiest, as I feel part of the world and its sights, sounds, and life.  What brings you to life?  Is it dance, poetry, music, painting, or your favourite walk?
People on Black Friday in Seattle with Buy Stuff placards

People on Black Friday in Seattle. (Photo via Flickr, Michael Holden).

When we should be embracing the things we really enjoy, preferably in good company, we turn to business to solve our problems, but all they want to do is solve their own problem of how to make more money.  This is where we must start and this is why Spaice is so excited to be working with the Resurgence Trust, because, instead of just urging you not to buy, we can point you to their inspiring content and activities to help you find something really useful to do with your time, money, and life – collecting memories, not things. And for those occasions when you really do need to buy something we clearly rate all our products guarantee so you can see, at a glance, which manufacturers make quality products that put solving your needs above their profits. Oh yes, and Spaice will never advertise or market stuff because there is no such thing as a ‘must have’ product.  On our site you will always be free of the marketing tricks designed to sell you stuff you don’t need, instead we will try to help you find what really makes your life better and happier. Spaice is a business for solving our real problems, where a life with more meaning and fun doesn’t involve shopping and collecting stuff. We want to be part of a world of citizens not consumers, and hope you will join us; so follow our blog by subscribing to our RSS or email feed and contribute your thoughts below.  And don’t forget to share this post and follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@SocialSpaice)! Speak to you soon, Vipul